Privacy Policy


Since so much of our lives now include exchanging and storing data digitally, privacy and policy have become pressing issues in the modern day. This article elaborates on why a solid privacy policy is essential, outlining its key elements and describing how it may help people and businesses.

Who we are?

URL: is where you can find us online.


We gather the data displayed in the comments form and the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to assist with spam identification when a comment is left on the site.

To check whether you are using the Gravatar service, your email address may be hashed and then used to generate an anonymous string. Privacy information for the Gravatar service may be found at Once your comment has been approved, your profile image will appear beside it.

Media Policy

Avoid adding photos to the site with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) if possible. Site visitors can save and parse all geotagged photographs.

Cookies Policy

You can have your name, email address, and website saved in cookies if you post a comment on our site. These are provided so you don’t have to re-enter your information whenever you want to post a comment. The shelf life of these cookies is 12 months.

To determine whether your browser is cookie-enabled, we need to save certain information when you visit our login page. This cookie does not hold personally identifiable data and is deleted when the browser closes.

When you log in, we’ll create several “cookies” to remember your username and preferences for how you’d like the site to look. Cookie durations for logins are two days, and for screen preferences, they are twelve months. A “Remember Me” login will be kept active for 14 days. After you log out, any login cookies will be deleted.

But an extra cookie gets record in your browser if you go back and modify or publish the content. No personal information store in this cookie; it just tracks the article you are currently editing based on its unique ID. Then after one day, it will no longer work.

Embedded content from other websites

In some of our posts, we’ll add external links to other resources (videos, photographs, articles, etc.). When a user interacts with an embed from another website, it is the same as if they visited the original site.
You should be aware that these sites may track your activity on the embedded material, especially if you have an account and are signed in, as they may gather data about you, utilize cookies, and embed extra third-party monitoring.

Who we share your data with?

Your IP address will be included in your password reset email if you request a change.

How long will we retain your data?

The comment and associated information will be stored forever if you leave one. This way, any subsequent comments will be instantly approved upon detection, eliminating the need for a moderation queue.
On the other hand we also collect and keep any personally identifying information that users supply during the registration process for their user profiles. Users (except the username) may view, edit, and delete personal information anytime. Website administrators have access to such data as well.

What rights you have over your data?

You may get an exported file of the personal data we possess about you, including any data you have submitted to us if you have an account on our site or have posted comments. However, you have the right to delete any information we have collected from you. Not included are records that we must maintain for administration, law, or security reasons.

Where we send your data?

An automated program might check comments left by site visitors for spam.